
Allen House Productions is pleased to offer these exclusive, downloadable drama sketches for use in your church or school.
View samples, download individual sketches, or purchase sketch collections, and begin using them right away!

Individual Sketches

Sketch #1: There Was A Young Woman
A narrated mime, a haggard young mother helps others like her identify their need for connecting with other young mothers.

SK1_01 There Was A Young Woman - PDF Script Sample $3.00

Sketch #2: What to Wear?
Two women are discussing what they will wear to an upcoming women’s event at church.

SK1_02 What to Wear - PDF Script Sample $3.00

Sketch #3: Who Wants to Be A Million-Dollar Mom?
A spoof on the popular game show, “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire”, this shows that the difference between the world’s view of motherhood is very different from God’s view.

SK1_03 Who Wants to Be A Million-Dollar Mom - PDF Script Sample $3.00

Sketch #4: How to Build A Bridge
A seeker is reading a book entitled, “How To Build a Bridge”. As a conversation develops with passers-by, they all begin to realize that the standard ways often build walls not bridges. Finally, they understand that the book refers to building spiritual bridges.

SK1_04 How to Build A Bridge - PDF Script Sample $3.00

Sketch #5: Let's Play Church
The Church service has begun. As the members go through their routine, a lost person gets the “cold shoulder.”

SK1_05 Let's Play Church - PDF Script Sample $3.00

Sketch #6: The Cure
The Communicator tells a story about the cruelty of his family doctor who refused to give him lifesaving medicine. The Communicator realizes that when he does not share Christ with a friend, he is guilty of the same cruelty.

SK1_06 The Cure - PDF Script Sample $3.00

Sketch #7: Elizabeth
Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist, delivers this monologue, thinking out loud about the birth of her son and the upcoming birth of the Promised One.

SK1_07 Elizabeth - PDF Script Sample $3.00

Sketch #8: Precious Memories
A loving grandparent (with grandchild in arms) speaks about how things used to be, but though times have changed, God has not.

SK1_08 Precious Memories - PDF Script Sample $3.00

Sketch #9: The Party
A guy goes to a party and hears several “voices”. But only one is from God.

SK1_09 The Party - PDF Script Sample $3.00

Sketch #10: The Storytelling Man
Jesus tells these two classic stories (The Lost Sheep, The Lost Coin) to illustrate God’s love for us all.

SK1_10 The Storytelling Man - PDF Script Sample $3.00

Sketch #11: Me . . . Give?
Three teens, thinking out loud, express their inability and hesitancy about giving to missions and outreach causes…until they encounter some needs face to face.

SK2_01 Me . . . Give? - PDF Script Sample $3.00

Sketch #12: Lottie's Dream
The mother of the famous Baptist missionary, Lottie Moon, thinks out loud, contemplating her daughter’s passion and call to foreign missions.

SK2_02 Lottie's Dream - PDF Script Sample $3.00

Sketch #13: The Benevolence Corps
A group of volunteers are distributing care packages to needy people. But then they encounter someone with a different kind of need…a hidden one.

SK2_03 The Benevolence Corps - PDF Script Sample $3.00

Sketch #14: Bound to Grow
A plant is being watered by a gardener, when the plant speaks and tells the gardener he’s root bound. The plant makes the connection between plant life and spiritual life.

SK2_04 Bound to Grow - PDF Script Sample $3.00

Sketch #15: The Discovery Zone
A believer is actually defining his (or her) spiritual comfort zone when another believer questions this action.

SK2_05 The Discovery Zone - PDF Script Sample $3.00

Sketch #16: The Offering . . . Who Needs It?
Three readers begin to “perform” a reader’s theatre piece about praise when one of them gets a little stuck on the part about bringing an offering.

SK2_06 The Offering . . . Who Needs It? - PDF Script Sample $3.00

Sketch #17: Where Your Treasure Is
Retelling and contrasting Jesus’ experience with a rich man and a poor widow.

SK2_07 Where Your Treasure Is - PDF Script Sample $3.00

Sketch #18: Sparrows, and Lillies, and Foxes . . . Oh My!
Combining several of Jesus’ teachings about worry and anxiety, this piece contrasts God’s care for birds and flowers and His constant care for His children.

SK2_08 Sparrows, and Lillies, and Foxes . . . Oh My! - PDF Script Sample $3.00

Sketch #19: What Does God Sound Like?
Designed as a reader’s theatre piece, this refers to Elijah’s experience at Mt. Horeb when he heard God’s voice in a way he hadn’t expected.

SK2_09 What Does God Sound Like? - PDF Script Sample $3.00

Sketch #20: Fresh Fruit
A shopper is looking for fruit of the spirit, but the grocer is trying to sell her not-so-fresh produce.

SK3_01 Fresh Fruit - PDF Script Sample $3.00

Sketch #21: A Change of Heart
A narrated mime presents a woman’s struggle to improve herself; however, she discovers that the changes need to happen from the inside

SK3_02 A Change of Heart - PDF Script Sample $3.00

Sketch #22: I'm Truly A Lady
A monologue delivered by the Statue of Liberty gives a glimpse into what she sees everyday.

SK3_03 I'm Truly A Lady - PDF Script Sample $3.00

Sketch #23: Family Drama (3 Parts)
Capitalizing on a popular credit card ad, each short drama asks the question, “What value do I put on my family relationships.” Each part can be used separately to set up a sermon on family.

SK3_04 Family Drama - PDF Script Sample $3.00

Sketch #24: Jack and Jill
A familiar nursery rhyme is re-written about a marriage in trouble.

SK3_05 Jack and Jill - PDF Script Sample $3.00

Sketch #25: Blame Game
Ron and Elise have just found out that their daughter has a learning disorder. Each parent blames the other’s gene pool for causing their child’s problem.

SK3_06 Blame Game - PDF Script Sample $3.00

Sketch #26: Nature's Kingdom
In the format of a “discovery” program, the audience studies the habits of a boorish husband, a domineering wife, and a disrespectful teenager. Three 3-minute “episodes”.

SK3_07 Nature's Kingdom - PDF Script Sample $3.00

Sketch #27: The Un-Fairy Tale
A narrated mime (in two 2-minute parts) , a young couple enter marriage with a fairy tale-like attitude. However, when the pressures of life begin to set in, the marriage began to suffer.

SK3_08 The Un-Fairy Tale - PDF Script Sample $3.00

Sketch Collections

Sketch Book #1
Includes Sketches 1-10 in one PDF.
Titles Include: There Was A Young Woman; What to Wear?; Who Wants to Be A Million-Dollar Mom?; How to Build A Bridge; Let's Play Church; The Cure; Elizabeth; Precious Memories; The Party; and The Storytelling Man.

SK1PDF Sketch Book #1 - PDF $20.00

Sketch Book #2
Includes Sketches 11-19 in one PDF.
Titles Include: Me . . . Give?; Lottie's Dream; The Benevolence Corps; Bound to Grow; The Discovery Zone; The Offering . . . Who Needs It?; Where Your Treasure Is; Sparrows, and Lillies, and Foxes . . . Oh My!; and What Does God Sound Like?

SK2PDF Sketch Book #2 - PDF $20.00

Sketch Book #3
Includes Sketches 20-27 in one PDF.
Titles Include: Fresh Fruit; A Change of Heart; I'm Truly A Lady; Family Drama (3 Parts); Jack and Jill; Blame Game; Nature's Kingdom (3 Parts); and The Un-Fairy Tale

SK3PDF Sketch Book #3 - PDF $20.00


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